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The aim of water yield calibration is to adjust relevant hydrological parameters so that the average annual water yield simulated by SWAT+ matches with observations or reported values. In the proposed workflow, this step follows after the crop yield calibration described in the previous article. One argument for water yield soft calibration is that it ensures that the partition of precipitation into two main components, water yield and evapotranspiration, is plausible before starting hard calibration using time series data.

1. Loading required packages

If those have not yet been loaded with crop yields soft calibration, please load the following libraries.

## Required libraries to run workflow

2. Defining settings

This step requires defining the SWAT+ model path the observed water yield to precipitation ratio.

# Path to the SWAT+ model
model_path <- '../test/my_dearest_model'

# Set the path to save results of the soft calibration
sc_res <- '../test/simulations'

# Observed water yield to precipitation ratio
obs_wy_ratio <- 0.27

# Set the number of cores available for calculations.  
# Number of cores for 12 runs use 3, 4, 6, or 12 cores (if available)
cores <- 3

# Start date for model runs (if NULL, the start date of the model setup files 
# will be used!!!)
start_date <- NULL # start_date <- '2000-01-01'
# End date for model runs (if NULL, the end date of observation data will be used).
end_date <- NULL # end_date <- '2010-12-31'
## Years to skip in the simulation period (if NULL, print.prt value will be used)
years_skip <- NULL 

3. Defining esco parameter range and running the model

The soil evaporation compensation factor (esco) is an important coefficient in modeling soil moisture dynamics. It allows users to adjust the depth distribution used to satisfy soil evaporative demand, accounting for factors such as capillary action, crusting, and cracks. By increasing the esco value, the model can draw more of the evaporative demand from deeper soil layers. This means that the model has reduced amount of water available for water yield. esco values range from 0.01 to 1.

In the example below, esco is sampled in the range (0.05, 0.95). To correctly calculate water yield ratio, numerous SWAT+ outputs have to be extracted in the run_swatplus function. Simulation period should ideally match with the period for which observed water yield ratio value was acquired.

# The esco parameter range is sampled.
esco <- tibble('esco.hru | change = absval' = seq(0.05,0.95, length.out = max(cores, 4)))

sim_esco <- run_swatplus(project_path = model_path,
                         output = list(precip  =  define_output('basin_wb_day', 
                                       surq_cha = define_output(file = 'basin_wb_day',
                                                                variable = 'surq_cha',
                                                                unit = 1),
                                       surq_res = define_output(file = 'basin_wb_day',
                                                                variable = 'surq_res',
                                                                unit = 1),
                                       latq_cha = define_output(file = 'basin_wb_day',
                                                                variable = 'latq_cha',
                                                                unit = 1),
                                       latq_res = define_output(file = 'basin_wb_day',
                                                                variable = 'latq_res',
                                                                unit = 1),
                                       qtile =    define_output(file = 'basin_wb_day',
                                                                variable = 'qtile',
                                                                unit = 1),
                                       flo =      define_output(file = 'basin_aqu_day',
                                                                variable = 'flo',
                                                                unit = 1)
                         parameter = esco,
                         start_date = start_date,
                         end_date = end_date,
                         years_skip = years_skip,
                         n_thread = cores)
## Save the results to the file
saveRDS(sim_esco, paste0(sc_res, "/sim_esco.rds"))

4. Extracting and plotting water yield ratio vs esco parameter values

The water yield ratio is calculated for each simulation. The range of esco values that produce water yield ratios within a specified range of the observed water yield ratio is identified using the plot_esco_range function. The relative range for acceptable error rel_wyr_lim can be provided as an additional argument (by default it is set to 0.05, as in the example plot below).

plot_esco_range(sim_esco, obs_wy_ratio)

The plot below shows the relationship between esco and water yield presented as an interpolated line. Dashed horizontal lines show the predefined acceptable range for the water yield values. The corresponding range for esco can be read from the corresponding dashed vertical lines.

5. (Optional) Water yield calibration using additional parameters

In certain situations esco parameter might not be enough to reach observed water yield ratio. An addition of the plant uptake compensation factor (epco) might help in such cases. This parameter determines how water uptake is distributed across soil layers to meet plant transpiration needs. If the upper soil layers lack sufficient water, the model can draw more water from deeper layers, a process governed by the epco value. When epco is close to 1.0, there is greater flexibility, allowing significant compensation from lower soil layers. Conversely, when epco is near 0.0, the model restricts water uptake primarily to the original depth distribution, limiting compensation from deeper layers.

In the example below, esco and epco are sampled using LHS sampling, which is followed by running SWAT for the derive parameter combinations. Results could be plotting with plot_dotty function to visualize parameters’ sensitivities and how the parameters affect water yield ratios.

# The esco and epco parameter range is defined .
par_bnd <- tibble('esco.hru | change = absval' = c(0.05, 0.95),
                  'epco.hru | change = absval' = c(0.05, 0.95))

# And sampled with lhs 
esco_epco <- sample_lhs(par_bnd, 20) 

##Run simulations for defined parameter sets
sim_esco_epco <- run_swatplus(project_path = model_path,
                         output = list(precip  =  define_output('basin_wb_day', 
                                       surq_cha = define_output(file = 'basin_wb_day',
                                                                variable = 'surq_cha',
                                                                unit = 1),
                                       surq_res = define_output(file = 'basin_wb_day',
                                                                variable = 'surq_res',
                                                                unit = 1),
                                       latq_cha = define_output(file = 'basin_wb_day',
                                                                variable = 'latq_cha',
                                                                unit = 1),
                                       latq_res = define_output(file = 'basin_wb_day',
                                                                variable = 'latq_res',
                                                                unit = 1),
                                       qtile =    define_output(file = 'basin_wb_day',
                                                                variable = 'qtile',
                                                                unit = 1),
                                       flo =      define_output(file = 'basin_aqu_day',
                                                                variable = 'flo',
                                                                unit = 1)
                         parameter = esco_epco,
                         start_date = start_date,
                         end_date = end_date,
                         years_skip = years_skip,
                         n_thread = cores)

## Save the results to the file
saveRDS(sim_esco_epco, paste0(sc_res, "/sim_esco_epco.rds"))

## Plot the results
           list("epco", "esco"))+
  labs(x = "Water yield ratio", y = "Parameter value",  color = "Parameters", title = "Water yield ratio vs esco + epco")+
  geom_vline(xintercept = obs_wy_ratio, linetype="twodash", color = "red", size=0.75)+
  theme(strip.background = element_blank(), strip.text = element_blank()) +

6. Updating parameter values in the 'hydrology.hyd' file

After determining which model parameter values allow the simulated water yield ratio to match the observed values, these parameters need to be updated in the 'hydrology.hyd' file. The following code snippet backs up existing file and updates values in it. The optimal value of esco can be read directly from the plot generated in step 4.

## Initialize unmodified backup version of hydrology.hyd
if(!file.exists(paste0(model_path, '/hydrology.hyd.bkp0'))) {
  copy_file_version(model_path, 'hydrology.hyd', file_version = 0)

# Read the hydrology.hyd input file
hydrology_hyd <- read_tbl(paste0(model_path, '/hydrology.hyd.bkp0'))

hydrology_hyd$esco <- 0.39
## If needed update epco as well
## hydrology_hyd$epco <- some value

## Update hydrology.hyd file
write_tbl(hydrology_hyd, paste0(model_path, '/hydrology.hyd'), c('%-16s', rep('%12.5f', 14)))

7. Final recheck for yield results

Updating parameters in the 'hydrology.hyd' file might impact crop yield simulation (it could be expected more from the epco parameter than from esco, but still it is possible). To ensure that the water yield soft calibration has not adversely affected the crop yield soft calibration, it is important to recheck it at the end. If the results match the observed yields, the soft calibration is complete. Otherwise, you should consider revisiting the crop yield soft calibration steps.

## Rerun model for crop yields results
phu_yld_recheck <- run_swatplus(project_path = model_path,
                          output = list(yld = define_output(file = 'mgtout',
                                                            variable = 'yld',
                                                            unit = crops),
                                        bms = define_output(file = 'mgtout',
                                                            variable = 'bioms',
                                                            unit = crops),
                                        phu = define_output(file = 'mgtout',
                                                            variable = 'phu',
                                                            unit = crops)),
                          start_date = start_date,
                          end_date = end_date,
                          years_skip = years_skip)
## Save the results to the file
saveRDS(phu_yld_recheck, paste0(sc_res, "/phu_yld_recheck.rds"))

## Plot yields 
plot_phu_yld_bms(phu_yld_recheck, 0, yield_mean, yield_min, yield_max)

For a more in-depth analysis, users can employ at this stage additional SWATdoctR functions, such as plot_waterbalance(). This function enables visualization of the average annual water balance components.

The workflow presented in this article involves using only water yield ratio. However, soft calibration of the catchment water balance could in addition involve other metrics, such as the baseflow ratio. IN this case, the workflow could be adapted by the user by including an additional SWAT+ parameter (e.g. perco) and adding the code to calculate the new metrics.

In the proposed workflow, after completing the soft calibration process for crops and water balance, the users are advised to proceed with the hard calibration of basin hydrology (involving the use of daily or monthly time series data) presented in an another page.