This function creates a dotty plot to visualize the relationship between parameter values and performance results.
y_label = "y",
n_col = 3,
y_lim = NULL,
y_inter = NULL,
trend = FALSE,
run_ids = NULL,
low_up = FALSE
- par
A data frame of model parameter values for each simulation.
- var
The model performance result vector or list of vectors to be plotted against parameter values.
- y_label
(optional) Labels for the y-axis, either a single label or a vector corresponding to each variable if
is a list. Defaulty_label = 'y'
.- n_col
(optional) Number of columns in the facet grid. Default
n_col = 3
.- y_lim
(optional) Limits for the y-axis. Default
y_lim = NULL
.- y_inter
(optional) Y-axis intercept value. Default
y_inter = NULL
.- trend
(optional) Logical, indicating whether to add a trend line. Default is
trend = FALSE
.- run_ids
(optional) A numeric vector of run IDs to be highlighted in the plot. Default is
run_ids = NULL
.- low_up
(optional) Logical, TRUE if whole possible parameter range should be used for x axis. Default is
low_up = FALSE