Function to get soil hydrologic groups
- d_imp
character for depth to impervious layer. Only three entry options possible: "<50cm", "50-100cm", ">100cm".
- d_wtr
character for water table high. Only three entry options possible: "<60cm", "60-100cm", ">100cm".
- drn
character for tile drainage status. Only two entry options possible: "Y" for drained areas, "N" for areas without working tile drains.
- t
one row dataframe with all SOL_Z and SOL_K values for soil type.
df <- data.frame(SOL_K1 = 10, SOL_K2 = 1, SOL_K3 = 2,
SOL_Z1 = 250, SOL_Z2 = 700, SOL_Z3 = 1000)
get_hsg(d_imp = ">100cm", d_wtr = "<60cm", drn = "Y", df)
#> Error in get_hsg(d_imp = ">100cm", d_wtr = "<60cm", drn = "Y", df): could not find function "get_hsg"